Potemkin village?
Mining our business
Dangerous talk
Transparent and accountable?
Cabinet’s idle website
Performance in India
Where’s Justice?
Exactly one month ago, I called on the Royal Civil Service Commission requesting them to reverse their decision to terminate (without retirement benefits) seven education officials from their jobs. The basis of my request was that the RCSC had violated Section 10.2 of the Bhutan Civil Service Rules and Regulations 2006.
Section 10.2 declares that: “Only one penalty shall be imposed in each case.”
I haven’t heard from the RCSC yet. But in the meantime, I’ve learnt about another case, this time involving three officials of the Paro NIE.
They too had been caught “adjusting” their accounts, supposedly to meet workshop expenses. They were penalized. Then they were taken to court. And after the court’s verdict, the RCSC reinstated all three of them in their earlier jobs.
One of them decided to resign. He applied for, and received his retirement benefits.
The other two decided to continue in their jobs. But the RCSC reversed their earlier decision and terminated them both. They didn’t receive their retirement benefits.
Where is Section 10.2? Where is justice?
This is their story: